
Thursday September 12, 2024 – Vendor’s night

18h00        Beer and Pizza!
18h30 Agilent – Karen Yannell
“LCMS and Multi-Omics for Uncovering More Biological Insights”
18h42 Waters – Alex Birsan
“Xevo MRT: Redefining Fast Scanning and Precision in High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry”
18h54 Thermo Fisher – Brett Larsen
“Discovery to Validation at Unprecedented Scale”
19h06 Leco – Stephan Laperriere
“Introducing the New Pegasus BTX: Pushing the Boundaries of GC and GCxGC-TOFMS for Comprehensive Research Solutions”
19h18 Altascience – Jean-Nicholas Ness
“From concept to clinic: Altasciences’ role in drug development”
19h30 Sciex – Matthew Stone
“Not all sites are created equal: Using hot ECD to localize PTMs”
19h42 Bruker – Michel Boisvert
“Ultimate Sensitivity with Bruker’s timsTOF Platform”
19h54 Ingenio Sciences – Hugues Sinnett
“Custom design of laboratory instruments – Ingenio”
20h06 End

Date(s) - September 12, 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Emplacement / Location
Université de Montréal - Campus MIL (Beer and pizza at 18h, conference at 19h in A-4502)

Groupe de discussion en spectrométrie de masse de Montréal (GDSMM)

Le groupe de discussion sur la spectrométrie de masse de Montréal (GDSMM) est un organisme à but non lucratif qui offre un forum favorisant les interactions locales, nationales et internationales entre les scientifiques oeuvrant en spectrométrie de masse. Le GDSMM organise des séminaires scientifiques et des forums de discussion présentant les derniers développements en recherche fondamentale et appliquée en spectrométrie de masse. Une réunion annuelle du GDSMM qui regroupe les étudiants et les post-doctorants a lieu à Montréal chaque printemps et offre une opportunité unique de réseautage en plus d’accroitre la visibilité et la sensibilisation aux contributions locales en spectrométrie de masse.

Montreal mass spectrometry discussion group (MMSDG)

The Montreal mass spectrometry discussion group (MMSDG) is a not-for-profit organization that provides a forum to promote local, national and international interactions among scientists involved in mass spectrometry. MMSDG sponsors scientific seminars and forums to present the latest developments in basic and applied research in mass spectrometry. An annual MMSDG meeting that regroups students and postdoc is held every spring in Montreal, and provide a unique networking opportunity to participants and enhance the visibility and awareness of local contributions in mass spectrometry.